titus development programme
The Titus Development Programme (TDP) is designed to accelerate the professional growth of young engineers and provide them with a comprehensive skill set aligned with the Titus’ discipline-specific teams. The programme aims to cultivate well-rounded and competent engineers who can quickly progress in their careers, leading to Chartership if desired and a broad fundamental knowledge base.
Course for professional engineers
The TDP involves a structured 2-to-3-year engineer training programme where graduates rotate through the teams at Titus. These teams include the Three Waters / Housing, Geotechnical, Structural, and Civil Engineering. By moving through these various teams, the graduates will have the opportunity to gain hands-on design and site experience and achieve key competencies across each discipline.
Civil engineering company in Hamilton
Titus Consulting Engineers are widely recognised in the Waikato region for their responsiveness, practical approach to problem-solving, and client-focused services. The company has achieved this reputation by nurturing a team of young engineers who actively embrace different engineering disciplines, enabling them to become more practical and responsive in their work.
Engineers for the future
The TDP engineer training programme aims to continue this tradition by creating a new generation of engineers who are versatile, knowledgeable, and capable of meeting clients’ needs effectively.
TITUS has four teams:
Three Waters / Housing
Titus engineer training programme – what you’ll learn
Three Waters / Housing
Three Waters / Housing: The three waters / housing team focuses on three waters designs and residential developments in and around the Waikato. Within this team, you will learn the basics of stormwater and wastewater design, basic geotechnical skills, field site testing methods, and construction observation.
Geotechnical: Expands on the basic geotechnical knowledge learned in the Housing team with the addition of more advanced geotechnical skills including, liquefaction, slope stability assessment, geohazards, ground improvement, earthworks and subdivisions.
Structural: Teaches the fundamentals of designing retaining walls, foundations and structural members for residential and commercial developments. There will also be plenty of opportunities to carry out site inspections and see your own designs come to life.
The civil team builds on three waters and design knowledge gained in the housing and geotechnical teams. It also allows you to build knowledge of designing roading, infrastructure and commercial developments in a 2D and 3D environment. It also includes subdivisional design and construction observation and contract management across a range of civil projects.
Graduates are required to apply for the TDP by the 30th of July 2023. These applications should include:
- A current and up to date CV with at least 2 references
- A record of achievement in your previous courses / schooling or extra-curricular activities
- A cover letter covering the following points
- Why you would like to join TITUS
- What your interest area of engineering is
- A personal statement on the type of person you are, what you like to do and your personal qualities that will make you the ideal candidate at TITUS.
Requirements for the TDP include a NZ Drivers Licence, good fitness and health, and an acceptable Engineering Degree or Diploma from a recognised Tertiary institution.
As part of the selection process there will also be an interview and a writing assessment. There may also be the requirement for a personality test and a second interview.
Acceptance for the role is expected to be given within a month of applications closing but may vary based on interview availability.
Application FORM
This will begin after University exams in November with an induction day at the Titus head office in Hamilton. The induction will cover admin, health and safety and an introduction on how the programme will work.
Graduates will begin in the Three Waters / Housing team and after approximately 6-12 months they will move into the geotechnical team, then civil and / or then structural before moving back into a team preferred team based on personal preferences and business requirements. Movement between the teams will be based on performance and completion of key competencies that will be assessed by the team leader and the Graduate Development Manager. These will provide feedback and provide goals for your time within the TDP.
Ongoing training will also be provided on the job and via monthly development workshops. These will provide you with the key concepts needed to complete competencies and understand the work being undertaken. Graduate events will also be scheduled throughout the year where graduates can get to know each other and learn more from each other’s experience.